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Five reasons to take better care of your carpet

Why should you take the time to learn how to take better care of your carpet?

Keep your carpet for your health and vacuum correctly.

Here are five good reasons:


1. You care about the air you breathe.

Did you know that indoor air quality can be worse than that outdoors?

Proper cleaning can improve the air in your home (and car!) by removing pollutants and allergens trapped in the carpet.

Carpet cost

2. Maintaining your carpet correctly also protects your ‘back pocket’…

In the long run proper cleaning helps protect your carpet investment and safeguards you from having to replace it before its time

e.g. Australian Carpet Beetle


First Impressions Count

3. The beauty of your home requires carpet to be kept in its finest form

First impressions count

— it can be the largest surface area the eye is drawn to and widely touched by guests.

Stepping out of bed onto a lush, clean carpet is more than ever one of life’s pleasures.

4. Your time is extremely valuable.

With the pressures of our demanding lives you don’t have any time to waste on methods that don’t work properly.

5. Your home is your castle

Your place to socialise, rest, and restore. A well-cared-for carpet provides that sense of harmony and flow from room to room that will attract you to the space where you spend so much of your time.

The living room floor is made for fun times

Carpet / Health / Vacuum… So which vacuum suits?

That all depends on your carpet type and fibre. Check out SEBO’s floor guide here