Failure to have in place a carpet maintenance program
Commercial Carpet Cleaning – qualified experts know a proper carpet care program extends the useful life of the carpet while maintaining a high appearance level, reducing water usage and dumping of chemicals.
A properly maintained carpet reduces indoor pollutants and allergens because of its particle trapping effect.
Lastly, a properly maintained carpet reduces overall costs of operation.
Commercial carpet cleaning companies who do not implement cleaning programs or use incorrect cleaning equipment appear to do so for two main reasons: budget constraints and poor cleaning knowledge.
Companies who just surface clean with ‘suction-only’ vacuum cleaners perform a grave disservice to their customers
Working with a cleaning budget?
Shortcuts could actually cost you more in the long run and commercial cleaning companies who just surface clean with ‘suction-only’ vacuum cleaners perform a grave disservice to their customers “if it looks clean then it must be clean”. Wrong.
Commercial Carpet Cleaning Equipment
To be able to implement a maintenance program access to the correct equipment is essential. Cleaning soft floor with incorrect, non-approved methods, equipment and chemicals may result in damage to the product and invalidation of the warranties.
So which commercial vacuums are best for carpet?
There are different vacuum cleaner features that best suit different carpet types and fibres. It’s easy to just give us a call to determine which vacuum cleaner best suits your Operators and Premise, alternatively, check out SEBO’s commercial range of vacuum cleaners for industry here.

It’s easy to talk to SEBO specialist today! 02 9678 9200